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LRJJ Newsletter-June 2018

Joyous Alumni Reunion

On the evening of May 25th, the long expected 2018 Les Roches Jin Jiang Alumni Party was held as scheduled at Shanghai Jianyeli Capella Hotel. It was raining heavily, but nothing could stop the enthusiasm of the alumni. Dozens of alumni from industries of hotels, F&B, travel, media, real estate, consulting etc. came to the party. In the elegant atmosphere of the Art Deco style of the first half of the last century at Capella Hotel, alumni dressed up in a 1950’s classic style spoke freely and communicated with each other like a family. Despite talking for more than three hours, everyone lingered on, forgetting to go home and looking forward to meeting again next year.

LRJJ Olympics Day

2018 LRJJ Olympics Day was held on June 13th. This annual event celebrates cultural diversity, team-spirit and healthy competition among all students and staff on campus.        The day was organized by students and covered a range of sports competitions and finesse games, culminating in an awards ceremony in the afternoon.

Progress at Dragon Boat Race

At the 11th International Students’ Dragon Boat Race in Shanghai on June 9th at the Fengxian Campus of East China University of Science and Technology, international students from 28 local universities attended the competition. LRJJ students’ team ranks three places higher than last year.
The boat race is an annual occasion for our students to experience traditional Chinese culture. Through the fierce competition, they deeply understood the importance of teamwork.